Photo Credit: CanadianAEh via Compfight cc
1. Go over the previous posts and activities.
2. Download the three activities below onto your netbook (or desktop).
3. Make sure you understand the instructions.
4. Do the activities.
Activity 1: Digital Citizenship Gap-fill
Activity 2: Cybercrime Crossword
Activity 3: Online Relationships
Activity 4: Amy and Jo's Story Web Sequitur
If you're in doubt, post a comment on Google+ wall.
5. Assess the four activities. You could use:
useless rather useless useful
difficult rather difficult easy
boring interesting fun
a) Type in your answer (in the AnswerGarden tool below).
b) Press the submit-button to add your answer. It will
be published in the word cloud below.
Now, if you agree with one of the existing answers in the word
cloud, you can click on it. So you will skip step 'a' above.
What do you think about the four activities in this post?... at
Feel free to post a comment with your own opinion below.